Communication Tools

LIEBG has invested in and built a comprehensive library of benefits intensive materials and resources for our clients.  These materials are available to our clients to assist in communicating benefits and HR related information to their employees.  We have taken the time consuming burden of creating these materials off the desk of the HR team and streamlined the process.  This service follows our internal philosophy of “TEE”.   TEE is the Timely, Effective and Efficient delivery of services and resources. LIEBG also provides our client partners with communications that focus on changes within the dynamic benefits market.  We are here to assist with this extensive library of materials covering topics such as below.

Employee Communications

Benefits announcements
Benefits education
Benefit statements
Consumerism education
Monthly newsletters
Retirement education
Employee health and wellness

Workplace Wellness

Wellness program how to articles
Wellness data tools
Wellness program plans
Wellness program evaluation tools
Wellness program ideas
Wellness program support materials

Legislation and Compliance

Health Care Reform
Section 125
State specific COBRA & FMLA
Employment laws and more

Human Resources

Employee Handbook & Policies
Total Compensation Statements
Compliance Support
Open Enrollment Support
Benefits Education for Employer
Common HR Topics in Depth
HR Forms & Tools